Strategic Interview Success: Company and Location Research

Securing an interview is a significant step towards your desired career, but to truly excel during the process, thorough research is crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of conducting both company and geographic location research before your interview. Whether you're preparing for a remote role or an on-site position, understanding these factors will give you a competitive edge.

Why Company Research Matters

  1. Demonstrates Genuine Interest: Your potential employer values candidates who invest time in understanding the company's mission, values, and products or services. It signifies genuine interest in the role.

  2. Tailors Your Responses: In-depth company research enables you to align your responses with the organization's values and goals. This makes you a more appealing candidate who is a natural fit for the company culture.

  3. Empowers Informed Questions: A well-researched candidate can ask insightful questions during the interview, showcasing their engagement and interest in the company's future.

How to Conduct Effective Company Research

  1. Company Website: Begin with the official company website. Explore its history, mission statement, values, products, and services. Pay attention to recent news or press releases.

  2. LinkedIn: Investigate the company's LinkedIn page to gain insights into its culture and recent developments. You might also discover connections within your network who can provide additional information.

  3. News and Media: Search for recent news articles, industry publications, or press releases related to the company. This broader perspective will give you a sense of the company's standing in the industry.

  4. Social Media: Scrutinize the company's social media presence for posts, interactions, and its overall online brand image. This can provide a glimpse into its corporate personality.

Why Geographic Location Research Matters

  1. Commute and Relocation: Understanding the location helps you assess the practical aspects of the job. Consider commute times, transportation options, and the possibility of relocation if necessary.

  2. Cultural Fit: Different geographic regions may have unique work cultures, lifestyles, and cost of living. Researching the location helps you assess if it aligns with your preferences and lifestyle.

  3. Weather and Environment: For many, weather and natural surroundings play a significant role in job satisfaction. Knowing what to expect can help you make an informed decision.

Preparing to Showcase Your Research

  1. Alignment: Craft responses that demonstrate how your skills and experiences align with the company's values and objectives. Show how you can contribute to its success while fitting into the location.

  2. Questions: Develop thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer about the company's future plans and how the geographic location might impact the role.

  3. Demonstrate Knowledge: During the interview, subtly reference your research. Mention recent company achievements or industry trends and consider how they relate to the geographic location.


Effective research, encompassing both company and geographic location insights, is a game-changer in the interview process. By investing time to understand the company's values and the characteristics of the geographic location, you not only impress potential employers but also ensure that the job aligns with your career goals and lifestyle. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently showcase your expertise and demonstrate that you are the ideal candidate to contribute to the company's success, no matter where it's located. So, begin your research journey today and set the course for your future career success.

Jason Brevard